Lagi pusing mau nulis apa nich... By the way, besok ujian Menstra atau Magic alias manajemen strategi..
Daripada bingung gimana belajarnya... Yuk, belajar bareng... :)
(nyari temen buat pusing...:p)
"Strategic Management is can defined as art and science of formulating, implementing and evaluating, cross-functional decision that enable an organization to achieve its objective."
Jadi, titik utama dari manajemen strategi itu ada 3 tahapan yaitu:
1. Strategy Formulation:
a. Vision & mision
b. External opportunities & Threats
c. Internal strengths & weaknesses
d. Long term objectives
e. Alternative strategies
f. Strategy selection
2. Strategy Implementation:
a. annual objective
b. policies
c. employee motivation
d. Resource allocation
Management issues:
a. Annual objectives
b. Policies
c. resources
d. organizational structure
e. restructuring
f. rewards/incentives
g. resistance to change
h. natural environment
i. supportive culture
j. production/operations
k. human resources
Marketing issues:
a. market segmentation (geographic, demographic, psychographic, behavioral)
b. product positioning (customer wants, customer needs)
Finance/Accounting issues:
a. Acquiring needed capital (Debt, equity)
b. Developing projected financial statements
c. Preparing financial budgets
d. evaluating worth of a business
R & D Development issues:
a. firts firm to market new technological products
b. Innovative imitator of successful products
c. Low-cost producer of similar but less expensive products
3. Strategy Evaluation:
a. Internal review
b. External review
c. performance matriks
d. corrective action
Sementara ini dulu ya... hehehe...
Intinya itu kok.. Kalau lebih detail mending baca bukunya...hehehe
(Ga niat mau bikin resume nich kayaknya... :p)
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